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CBSE class 6 Syllabus,Exam Pattern NCERT Study Material,Preparation & Practice, Online test
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  • 6th class Examination scheme

 Examination scheme

Uniform System of Assessment from Academic year 2017-2018

The uniformity  in the System of Assessment and Examination  For Class  IX And  X in all CBSE    affiliated  School has been implemented  on  the Restoration of Board Examination  For Class X From Academic  year 2017-18 onwards.
For assessment of the scholastic areas, the academic year is divided in two terms and two types of tests will be conducted to assess the academic subjects as given in Table  below.

Scholastic Area

The Assessment Structure and Examination For Class VI have been prepared comprises of Two Terms i.e.  Term -1 and Term-2.



(1st half of the Session ) , 100 marks                                                  20 marks  periodic Assessment+ 80  marks For Half  Yearly Exam 
Language-1  1. Periodic  Assessment  - 20 marks  Half yearly Exam- 80 marks
Language-2 Periodic  Test  10 marks  Written Exams For 80 marks  With Syllabus Covered  till announcement Of half yearly Exam Date by School
Language-3  With Syllabus covered till  announcement  of Test Date By School
Mathematics  2. Notebook Submission  5 marks  at Term –end
Science 3. Sub Enrichment 5 marks  at Term – End
Social Science  
Any Other Subject  


(100 marks )(2nd half of the Session )                                                     20 marks  periodic Assessment+ 80 marks  For Half  Yearly Exam 
Language-1  Periodic  Assessment  - 20 marks Year End Exam- 80 marks
Language-2 1. Periodic  Test  10 Marks  Written Exams For 80 marks  With Syllabus Coverage Blow:
Language-3 With Covered  Syllabus till  announcement  of Test Date By School Class VI -                                  10% of  1st Term  Covering  Significant Topic +Entire Syllabus Of 2nd Term
Mathematics  2. Notebook Submission  5 marks  at Term – end
Science 3. Sub Enrichment 5 marks  at Term – End
Social Science  
Any Other Subject  

Internal Assessment:                                                                                                          20 marks

(i) Periodic  Test( 10marks)
The School will conduct three Periodic writeen tests in the entire Academic Year as per own schedule and the Average of the best two will be taken. For the Purpose of Gradient learning, three test may be held as one being the mid-term test and other  the two being  pre mid term and post mid-term  with Portion Of Syllabus Cumulatively Covered. The Gradually  increasing Portion of content  would prepare student  acquire  confidence  for appearing in the Board Examination With 100% syllabus. The School will take The Average of the best two tests for final marks submission.
(ii) Notebook  Submission (5 marks)
Notebook Submission  as a part of internal  assessment is aimed at enhancing seriousness of student toward preparing notes for the Topics being taught in the Class Room as well as Assignment. This also address critical aspect of regularity,punctuality, neatness and notebook upkeep.
(iii) Subject  Enrichment  Activities (5 marks)
These are subject specific application activities aimed at enrichment  of the understanding and Skill Development, recorded internally by the respective subject teacher.
For Languages:
Activities  Conducted For Subject enrichment  in languages should aim at equipping the learner to develop Effective Speaking  and listening skills.
For Mathematics :
The listed laboratory activities and project as given in the prescribed publication CBSE/NERT may be Followed.
For Science:
The listed Practical Works/Activities may Carried out as prescribed by the publication CBSE in the  Curriculum.
For the Social Science:
Map and project work may be  undertaken as prescribed by the publication CBSE in the  Curriculum.

Co -Scholastic Area

Co Curricular   Activities  in the following Areas be carried   out in CBSE  Affiliated  School and will Be  Graded  term-Wise  on a 3- point  grading Scale
A Outstanding, <
B= Very  Good  
C = Fail
Aspect  of Regularity ,Sincere  Participation, Output  and  Teamwork  be the generic criteria  for Grading 


 All assessment with regard to the academic status of the students shall be done in marks and overall assessment will be given in grades in 7 point scale for middle school (classes VI to VIII) . The report cards will carry the grades only.The performance of the students in the Elemantry classes will also be shown in GRADES (7 point scale) . The grades will be given on the basis of performance of the students in all the 6 assessment. The new grading system is given below;
The grade of the child can be computed in the achievement card based on the percentage of presence of behaviour indicator in the above category of percentiles. Besides certain remarks can be made in scholastic and co-scholastic areas as well as the achievement level of the child.

                                   Grading Scale For Scholastic Areas
                             91-100                                                        A1
                             81-90                                                        A2
                             71-80                                                         B1
                             61-70                                                         B2
                             51-60                                                        C1
                             41-50                                                        C2
                             33-40                                                          D
                        32 & below                    E-(Needs improvement )

NOTE: The information taken from Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) at cbse.nic.in, is represented here in a user-friendly way for convenience of students. User must refer CBSE for current status of information.

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