Kinds of Nouns
common, proper, collective, abstract and material Classification of Nouns – countable and uncountable
types of sentences ,Idioms and Phrases
Fiction: stories set in imaginary worlds Proof Reading of a narrative Project work/Activity (Group) to promote reading with comprehension - main stages in a story from introduction to resolution; settings and characters, identify key words and phrases; explore implicit and explicit meanings within a text; recognise meaning in metaphorical language; narrative order and the significant events.
Pronoun -
Personal, relative, possessive, reflexive, demonstrative, interrogative
Alliteration investigate the impact of imagery and figurative language in poetry, including alliteration and simile, e.g. as ... as ...; compare and contrast poems and find the poetic features. My Own Dictionary- favourite words, their meaning and origin; words with prefixes and suffixes (familiar with/learnt earlier); words with common letter strings but different pronunciations
Simple, Continuous, Perfect- Present, Past, Future Explore the past, present and future tenses of verbs. Practice with varying tenses within texts, e.g. in dialogue Onomatopoeia
Poetry Composition using Alliteration Comprehension (newspapers and magazines):
Read to check punctuations and syntax in a given text. Choose and compare words to strengthen the impact of writing, including some powerful verbs.
Punctuation –
Comma, Quotation Marks (Inverted commas and Apostrophe). Use a range of beginning/end-ofsentence punctuation with accuracy. Identify all the punctuation marks and respond to them when reading. Use of commas to mark out meaning within sentences. Use of the apostrophe to show possession.
Direct and Indirect Speech-
Dialogue Writing: Complete the given dialogue; emphasise on the use of vocabulary and varying tenses within texts
Quality, Quantity(definite, indefinite), Demonstrative, Possessive, Interrogative Explore degrees of intensity in adjectives, e.g., cold, tepid, warm, hot Recap of adjectives
Suggested reading-
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Express opinions about characters or places in the story in your own word. Use paragraphs to organise and sequence ideas.Subject and Predicate(subject consisting of many words) Determiners/ Quantifiers
The Pie Piper of Hamelin
Persuasive writing-
alternative openings and endings for the story, elaborate on basic information with details about the characters
Identifying symmetric figures Symmetry in 2D and 3D Shapes Identify lines of symmetry; making symmetric figures and patterns Tiles using one or two shapes Identifying tessellations; some shapes can tessellate in more than one way Measuring and drawing of lines Draw a circle -
free hand and with compass; Identify centre, radius and diameter of a circle Identify, describe and make 3D shapes including pyramids and prisms
Numbers beyond thousand:
Read and write numbers beyond 1000
Find place value in numbers beyond thousand ( read and write) Number names and numerals Expand the number with respect to place value Compare numbers Estimating/Roundin g the numbers to the nearest tens and hundreds
Addition and Subtraction :
Add and subtract multiples of 10,100,1000 mentally Add and subtract near multiples of 10 or 100 to or from three-digit numbers. Derive doubles of all whole numbers to 50, doubles of multiples of 10 to 500, doubles of multiples of 100 to 5000, and corresponding halves. Add and subtract with and without regrouping
Properties of addition and subtraction Finding missing numbers Word problems up to Four Digits) Add/Subtract any pair of two, three or four digit numbers, choosing an appropriate strategy. Multiplication: Multiplication facts Recapitulation of tables (1-20) Multiply mentally with multiples of 10,100,1000 Multiplication by a single-digit and twodigit numbers (using lattice and standard column method). Word problems ( up to Four Digits) Use ordered lists and tables to solve problems systematically Relate multiplication with simple ideas of ratio and proportion. Commutative properties to find easier ways to multiply.
Factors and Multiples:
Test of divisibility Explain the meaning of factors and multiples Common factors and Multiples Fractions: Like and unlike fractions; Mixed fraction; Improper fraction Converting improper into proper fraction and vice versa
Ordering and comparing two or more fractions with the same denominator (halves, quarters, thirds, fifths, eighths or tenths).
Addition and subtraction of like fractions Find the fractional part of a collection Relate finding fractions to division. Find halves, quarters, thirds, fifths, eighths and tenths of shapes and numbers. Word problems Decimals: Understanding tenths, hundredths, Thousandths (introduction to decimal point) Comparing decimals Recognise the equivalence between the decimal fraction and improper fraction forms of halves, quarters, tenths and hundredths.
Express a given fraction in decimal notation and vice versa Measurement
Use decimal fractions in the context of units of length, mass, capacity and money. Choose and use standard metric units and their abbreviations (km, m, cm, mm, kg, g, l and ml ) when estimating, measuring and recording length, mass and capacity. Correlation between familiar units of length, mass and capacity; know the meaning of 'kilo', 'centi' and 'milli'. Appropriate, use of decimal notation in measurements and currency, e.g., 1.3 m, 0.6 kg, 1.2 l.,£ 48.2. Money: Use operation to find total, change, multiple cost and unit cost Use correct money notation.
Time :
Digital and Analogue clocks - 12 Hour Clock; 24 Hour ClockAddition and subtraction of timeRead simple timetables and use a calendar. Choose units of time to measure time intervals.
Data handling:
Collect and represent data in the form of bar graph, tally marks or charts, frequency tables, pictograms (symbol representing one or two units) and bar charts (intervals labelled in ones or twos).
Geometry Use a set square to draw right angles. Compare angles with a right angle and recognise that a straight line is equivalent to two right angles. Identify right angles in the environment Compare angles, Angles in figures and Measurment of angles Determines area, perimeter of simple geometrical figures Find the area of rectilinear shapes drawn on a square grid by counting squares.
Skeleton System
Internal Organs --- lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys, brain Digestive System Respiratory System Structure and types of teeth, care of teeth Describe differences between living and non-living things using knowledge of life processes.
Life processes –
growth, nutrition and reproduction Explore the adequate and varied diet required to be healthy, for each family member and make a comparison. Sort living things into groups, using simple features and describe rationale for grouping. Explore human senses and the ways we use them to learn about our World such as senses of touch and smell; 'good' and 'bad' touch. Role of Medicines in our lives
Classification of animals -
mammals, reptiles, birds, insects and aquatic. Animal behaviour –individual (aestivation and hibernation), in herds and groups, human interaction. Care for birds and animals Some animals have skeletons and muscles like human beings inside their bodies.
Plants have roots, leaves, stems and flowers; their function, uses and modification. Pollination –dispersal of seeds due to various factors. Growth of plants is affected by the temperature of a place, water and light. Benefits of various plants Understand ways to care for the environment.
Food Pyramid –
vertical and horizontal
Significance of each food group for our proper growth and development Importance of vitamins and minerals Detailed study of nutrients and simple tests to identify starch, fat and proteins Storage and handling of food Weighing and measuring variety of food items using apparatus and weighing scales. Make observations and comparisons of the same.
Diversity in habitat –
homes, migration, nesting habits of living beings Garbage management; five R's Materials used in construction; specific properties, e.g., hard, soft, shiny, and rough Categorization of materials according to their properties - how materials change when they are heated and cooled; some materials are effective in preventing sound from travelling through them.
Force and Motion: Pushes and pulls are examples of forces; force make objects start or stop moving; force includes friction, make objects move faster or slower or change direction; force change the shape of objects.
Communication: Sound travels through different materials Electrical circuits – how electrical devices work Environmental pollution caused due to transport and communication.
Major natural sources of water of your area, potable water, water borne diseases.Water cycle and its different forms (evaporation, condensation, fog, dew, smog) Water purification Characteristics of air and water Safe handling and storage of potable water at house hold level. Explore how sounds are made when objects, materials or air vibrate and learn to measure the volume of sound in decibels with a sound level meter.Natural resources; renewable and nonrenewable; conservation, Difference between weather and climate
Gravitational and frictional force Forces between magnets and magnets can attract or repel each other. Know that magnets attract some metals but not others. Find how sound is produced and traveled. How do rockets and satellites work? Building of bridges and flyovers
Health and hygiene –
benefits of a healthy lifestyle Child's daily life experience, observation Exercising and physical activities for good health Safety and carefulness
Feeling around with eyes shut-
With your eyes and ears closed can you identify the people/animals living around you merely by touching/smelling? By touching can you tell if anything is cold/hot, wet/dry, smooth/rough, sticky/slippery, soft/hard?
child relationship Foster parents and adoption.which it affects the animals that are found there.
Forest as a resource Types of forests Soil -
types in different parts of the world. Ecological balance, Soil erosion, shifting agriculture, Seasonal crops, plants Aforestation and deforestation.
From where do we get our food; vegetables, cereals, pulses, oil seeds, spices. Food on special occasions and other meals Food and its influence on the economy of the place/country.
Changes in the types and styles of houses over a period of time from ancient times to the modern period Variation in the pattern and styles of houses from place to place according to the climatic conditions Livelihood and lifestyle of people Mapping of the seven continents and oceans in the world; soil and forest maps
Transport as a life line of a country's economic growth.
Different skills of people engaged in activities related to commuting.
Geographical features and different landforms and various modes of transport used in these places and countries. Role of media
Importance of air and water for living beings Conservation of water
Sun, planets and other bodies in the universe (asteroids, meteors, comets) Stars and constellation Astronauts and Scientists Research Work related to Space studies