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Once upon a time, a deer fell ill. So, he came to a grassy patch of land and lay down there. In a day or two, he became so weak that he couldn't even move his body.

Within no time, the news of his illness spread all over and many of his friends came to enquire after his health. Evidently, they were all grass eating animals. They stayed with the deer to nurse him. In a few days, they grazed all the grass of the patch and not even a blade of grass was left there.

In a few days, the deer started getting well. Seeing this, his friends started leaving him one by one and the deer was left all alone. But still he was too weak to get up and move about.

As his friends had grazed all the grass of the patch and he was weak to go grazing, he starved to death. Had his friends not grazed the grass in the patch, he would have fed on it and lived.

The End..

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