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Dwarfs are very small creatures.
My mobile phone has a slender look.
Thread is thin.
The girls want to be slim always.
Trim your hair.

Thread is thin.
My mobile phone has a slender look.
Dwarfs are very small creatures.
The girls want to be slim always.
Trim your hair.

Dwarfs are very small creatures.
My mobile phone has a slender look.
Thread is thin.
The girls want to be slim always.
Trim your hair.

Trim your hair.
Dwarfs are very small creatures.
Thread is thin.
The girls want to be slim always.
My mobile phone has a slender look.

Dwarfs are very small creatures.
My mobile phone has a slender look.
Trim your hair.
The girls want to be slim always.
Thread is thin.

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