- Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are considered a cold water fish, meaning
they require low water temperatures and high levels of dissolved oxygen
in order to survive
- The optimal temperature for an ideal trout habitat is between 50º
and 65º F.
- They begin to show signs of stress at temperatures exceeding 70º
F, and will most likely die in 80º F water.
- Trout can tolerate pH as low as 4.1 and as high as 9.5. In terms
of general habitat,
- Trout live in many different situations.
- Lakes ranging in size as found at Tenterden Trout Waters are ideal.
The lakes are well-kept, fresh running water supply and enough healthy
aquaculture to ensure adequate oxygenation.
- The typical trout lakes bed is primarily made up of gravel and pebbles
mixed in with larger slabs and boulders.
- The gravel is necessary for proper spawning, whereas the slabs and
boulders are necessary for shelter and habitat for food organisms
- Lakes as opposed to stream or brooks are ideal trout habitat because
of their reduced flow rate, which allows the trout to expend less energy
when holding in anticipation of drifting food.
- They are also necessary because they provide shelter in times of high
and low water
- The lakes have reasonable overhead cover or bank-side vegetation.
- The lakes are also abundant with natural aquatic organisms that make
up a large part of a trout's diet.
- Overhead cover and bank side vegetation play an essential role as
they shade the lakes from the heating rays of the sun and provide shelter
for insects and other organisms upon which trout feed.
- Fallen leaves from overhanging trees support a stream's food chain
by feeding aquatic organisms that are subsequently eaten by trout.