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Name Of Snake

Name Snake
Male Name male
Femle Name female
Kids/Baby Name Snakelet, neonate (a newly-born snake), hatchling (a newly-hatched snake)
Group Name bed, nest, pit
More About Snake

  • Scales on the underside of the snake (venter scales) provide the contact edges essential for the snake to move. At the end of the venter scales is an anal plate which protects the opening to the cloaca. The cloaca is a shared opening for waste and reproductive material to pass.
  • Snakes have dry keratinous scales. The size, arrangement, and number varies by species and location on the body. Generally, scales on the head are larger on top, smaller and more numerous on the sides and around the mouth and chin.
  • Body scales usually lie in linear rows with each having a fixed number of scales, typically an odd number ranging from 13 to 27. This number is species specific.
  • The body of the snake contains a string of vertebrae (bones that make up the spine). Typically, there are more than 120 in the body and tail and in some species as many as 585.
  • Snakes are more closely related to lizards than to other reptiles, and probably evolved from a single group of lizards. Curiously, they probably did not evolve from the group of legless lizards.
  • Many snakes, such as vipers, boas and pythons have temperature-sensing organs on their heads. These heat pits are sensitive to changes in temperature of as little as 0.002 degrees Celsius, and effectively allow the snake to navigate and hunt in the dark.
  • Snakes can have over 300 pairs of ribs.
  • Snakes turn "blue" before a shed. This opaque change to the skin is actually due to the presence of a lymph-like layer of fluid between the old and new skins, prior to the shed of the old skin.
  • The smallest snake may be the Martinique thread snake (Leptotyphlops bilineatus), which does not grow any bigger than 4 1/4 inches.
  • The glottis, which is the entry to the trachea (breathing tube), can move to either side, to allow the snake to swallow prey. This is the tube you see when you look at the floor of a snake's mouth. Cartilage around the opening of the tube closes to prevent food from entering the respiratory tract, and produces the classic "hiss" in many snakes.
  • A snake's heart can slide 1 to 1 1/2 times its length from its normal position, to allow the passage of swallowed prey. This is because of the relative mobility of the pericardial sac, which surrounds the heart.
  • Venom glands have evolved independently in several species. Venoms are very complex substances, which may consist of a dozen or more toxic components. These can include substances poisonous to the heart, nerves and DNA as well as enzymes that break down natural tissue barriers, allowing the spread of venom within the body.
  • Snakes have two rows of teeth on the top jaw, one row on the bottom jaw. The teeth, including fangs, in most cases are replaced throughout life.
  • Snakes move by relaxing and contracting muscles lengthwise along the body. Sidewinding is a specialized form of motion that allows a snake to travel with speed and relatively little expenditure of energy along loose desert sand. The snake lifts a loop of its body from the surface, using its head and tail. The loop is moved sideways and then back to the ground. This creates the typical series of unconnected parallel tracks.
  • The paired claw-like structures seen on either side of the vent of a snake such as a ball or royal python, are in fact, remnants of the legs present in the animals from which the modern species has evolved.

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