- The record life span for a captive raccoon is 21 years
- Raccoons will over-eat when nursing.
- Baby raccoons are called kits
- According to the sioux, february has a "raccoon moon"
- Raccoons can easily unlock doors
- The heaviest raccoon recorded was 62 pounds.
- The scientific name for raccoon is procyon lotor
- The raccoon is one of the primary rabies carriers.
- Raccoons have a keen sense of touch.
- There may be as many as 8,000 raccoons living in large cities.
- Raccoons never den more than 1,200 feet from a permanent water source.
- The name raccoon is derived from the indian name Aroughcun.
- The Shirt Tails raccoon is named Rick
- .If you give a raccoon a sugar cube, it will first try to clean it
(as raccoons clean all their food before eating it). It will wash it
and wash it until the sugar cube finally dissolves to nothing
- There are 6 species of raccoon in north America
- Raccoons prefer wooded areas near streams, ponds and marshes but are
highly adaptable and can live in close proximity to human developments
and thrive in farmlands.
- Most adults weigh 10 to 30 pounds, with males typically larger than
- Length: 2 to 3 feet, including the tail.
- Raccoons are opportunistic and omnivorous. Their varied diet includes
fleshy fruits, mast (especially acorns, hickory nuts and beechnuts),
grains, invertebrates (particularly crayfish and insects), rodents,
young rabbits, birds, bird's eggs, turtles, fish, carrion, garbage and
crops such as corn.