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Name Of Hyena

Name Hyena
Male Name male
Femle Name female
Kids/Baby Name cub
Group Name clan, cackle
More About Hyena

  • Their habitat includes savannah, arid semi-desert, open woodlands, dense dry woodland, and rocky mountainous forests up to 4,000 m in altitude. They avoid the dense tropical rainforest that occurs along east-central Africa. They also are absent from coastal areas.
  • Spotted hyenas are a pale brown color with dark spots all over their back, and a dark brown mask on their face and legs.
  • The hair is short and coarse, with a wooly undercoat. The guard hairs are 30-40mm in length, with undercoat hairs 15-20 mm in length.
  • They have a haunched back with low-set hind-quarters.
  • Their body is proportionately large and round, set atop thin, long legs.
  • The tail is short in proportion ot the body, and 1/3 of the tail's length is just hair.
  • They have four toes on each foot, with short, blunt, non-retractile claws.
  • Hyenas are opportunistic feeders and obligate carnivores
  • Hyenas live in groups called "clans" which consist of up to 100 members, mostly females (matriarchal society), living together in a territory that is regularly marked off and defended. They mark off the territory by pasting a sticky substance excreted form their anal glands onto grass.
  • Hyenas will often steal kills from the smaller felids, such as cheetahs and leopards
  • Head is carried low in relation to their topline.
  • Their large, rounded ears are set on the sides high on the head.
  • Both sexes have anal scent glands which secrete a thick, sticky secretion that is used to mark territorial boundaries
  • Hyenas hunt alone or in packs led by their female leader, and kill by tearing their prey apart.
  • Typical prey species are herbivorous mammals, and include gazelle, water buffalo, zebra, warthog, and young giraffe, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus. However, they have been observed feeding on a wide variety of prey, including mammals, birds, fish and reptiles
  • Hyena's teeth are especially large, set in a heavy jaw, and can crush through an ungulate's thick femur.
  • Hyenas will ingest every piece of the animal. Bones, horns, hooves, even teeth are digested completely within 24 hours.
  • Hyenas have the ability to eat and digest bones due to immensely powerful jaws, and the highly acidic digestive fluids in their stomach.

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