- The eyesight of a hawk is 8 times as powerful as a human's.
- They can see spiders and beetles from afar.
- Hawks can see a mouse from a height of one mile.
- The hawk's average life span in the wild is 20 years.
- Hawks start breeding when they are one year old.
- The breeding season is in the spring, and the eggs are laid six to
eight weeks later.
- The mother keeps the eggs warm for about a month before they are
born in the late spring.
- There are normally three eggs in a nestling.
- Weasels sometimes attack the nest, killing and/or eating the nestling.
- Their length is 17 to 22 inches with an average of 19 inches.
- Their wingspread, depending on the species, ranges from 43 to 56
- Their weight ranges from 1.5 to 3.3 pounds, averaging 2.4 pounds.
- If a hawk finishes a meal with their crop bulging, it may not hunt
again for a day or two.
- The crop is a pouch halfway between the mouth and the stomach, where
food is stored and gradually released to the stomach. The crop maintains
the steady flow of food needed to sustain these big birds.
- The female usually lays 2 dull-white to bluish-white eggs that are
marked with a variety of irregular reddish spots and splotches.
- Incubation takes 28-32 days and is maintained almost entirely by the
female. During this period the male hunts for both of them, bringing
her food to the nest.
- When hatched, the young are covered with white down. They grow slowly
and require much food, which keeps both parents busy.
- They remain in the nest for up to 48 days.